
The Switch

Sakura, Kero, and Li are hunting down a Clow Card after school. They chase after what looks like a blue iguana and Li drives it towards Sakura. Sakura uses the Jump Card to hop onto a large slide. She's about to seal the Card it hops over her head in one last attempt to get away. Li and Kero catch the creature and hold it so she can proceed to capture the lizard which turns out to be The Change Card. Sakura is happy about her capture but Li and Kero don't look too thrilled. Suddenly Li sounds like Kero and Kero sounds exactly like Li! Sakura is terribly confused and upset and Li, or well now Kero rather, explains that when they were holding The Change down it switched Li into Kero's body and the same to Kero. After she writes her name on the card, Sakura asks them if there is anything she can do to help. Kero says that after 24-hours it will be possible to change them back but any later they will be stuck like that forever. Li hates the idea of staying as a stuff animal forever and agrees to be there tomorrow. Sakura suggests they keep a low profile until they switch back so no one gets suspicious. But Li was supposed to go to Meilin's apartment to make dinner. Kero shows up as Li and Meilin comments on how his voice sounds funny. Kero says that he has a sore throat. He's dragged inside and left to cook soup for Meilin, and having no cooking experience before, he makes a mess out of it. Meilin tastes it but although it tastes horrid, she didn't want to hurt Li's feeling and said nothing. Meanwhile Li knows Kero is going to mess this up but Sakura tells him that they had no choice. Kero almost slips up and starts to talk about how great Kero really is until he too tastes the soup and looks ready to vomit. Sakura brings the Li-as-Kero back home but refuses him to sleep in the room. It Looks liked he'll have to sleep in the tree outside the window. He attempts to fly over to it using Kero's wings but has no idea to how work them and falls. Sakura rushes down stairs to get him but Tori and Julian walk in. Julian has Li and says how it just fell from the window and hands the blushing stuff animal back to Sakura. Sakura runs off to make them some food and Li and placed back in her room. But Li has a one-track mind as we know and looks ready to try flying again. He fails again and the only way back in the house is climbing the storm drain on the house. He makes it to the windowsill to the kitchen and tries to get Sakura's attention. She can't hear him and almost falls off the sill. Below the sill is the neighbor's cat that looks ready to eat. Tori thinks he hears something and Sakura looks out the window and scares the cat away. She notices Li but has to shut the window because Julian walks by. Li's too tired to hold on and he falls again. The next morning Li has a bump on his head and Sakura tells him maybe he should stay home and not come to school with her. Li finds that impossible and says he has to keep an eye on Kero. As usual Sakura is almost late and runs into Mr. Terada in the hall. He has a blue bag and says it's a stuff animal gift for his niece. Sakura runs to homeroom but everyone is crowding around the Kero-as-Li. He's showing video games moves and makes a fool of himself. Li felt so humiliated. Kero says he should thank him for giving him a personality but Madison shows up. They try to act like who they look like but she can tell that something is going on. Next is gym and Li is left in the class. Kero tries to play soccer but gets fed-up with using two feet and runs on all fours but gets hit in the head with the ball and falls over. Li watches from the window looking horrified until he hears someone. Mr. Carter, a teacher, comes in and sees Li and takes him, thinking he was left behind and goes to be placed in the Lost and Found. On the way there he's placed in a blue bag which ends up getting switched with Mr. Terada's bag for his niece. It's a hour to go and things aren't look good, Meilin found out about the switch. They go back in school and run into the stuff animal that looks just like Kero in a bag. Thinking it's Li they try to wake it up but Madison sees that it doesn't have wings. It really is a toy! Sakura realizes what must have happened and asks Ms. Mackenzie where Mr. Terada went. She tells them that he was heading for the toy store. Times running out and they track down their teacher. He no longer has Li and says the stuffed animal was like one his niece had so he returned it. They run to the toy store and try to find Li. Madison spots him in the crane game outside the shop. Kero is sure he can get him out with his great gaming skills. Li tries to get on the arm when it comes by but the owner of the shop comes out and watches them forcing him to be still. The first try fails because it almost pulls poor Li's head off but a second time is proven successful! They returned to spot where The Change was captured on time and Sakura uses the Card to switch them back to their rightful bodies. The next day at school Li comes in and Sakura tells him he has a visitor and shows him Kero in her bag. He says he's having trouble adjusting and says he missed him and asks to ride in his bag today.

Card used-Jump, Change

Card Captured-Change

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