

  • 18 Sept 2001: The first object! Go to downloads to download the Sakura wall picture now!


  • 3 October 2001:
I am making new stuff and a new page for the site. I am trying to make a pen pal page so that all the sakura fans can write/e-mail each other to talk about it. But I have a big problem, it is just that there is no names there! I need people to post a ad there so click here to post a ad. Please also include your real name, e-mail,country, race and your pen pal requests. Have fun!



  • Sakura_stars(leader)

Web Poll

Members Art

Link us!

Do come and see what beautiful art our members have drawn. Click on the above link to see it. The best 3 pictures is placed below this text.
Members, if you want to publish your pictures, click here to inform the Sakura_stars. Please include your picture, username, password, e-mail and age.
Please visitors,
DO NOT remove this picture below.  If you wish to, click here and give a reason why you want to and your site name. Also include your e-mail address. You MUST NOT remove the wordings on it. We hope you can link to us.

Member sites

Battle Chants
Episode Guide

Main Characters

Member Art Work


Go to page 3 of Members art to vote for the top 3 art as we change it every week. It won't take long. You must be a member to vote.

VE5 class news

The Best 3 Pictures in the Members Art section:

This is art done by Sakura_stars.
Please DO NOT remove from site.
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