
Nothing to report

It's almost the end of summer...and what has Sakura done? Not much let's say. The episode starts when Sakura is in her room writing in her summer diary. She hasn't done all her homework either. (Tut, tut, but we can all relate to that, especially me. ^^) Kero is watching a TV program that is making his mouth water...know what I'm talking about? Yup, it's about pastry!!! Sakura needs to find the weather of the past few days and she asks her father where the papers are to record the weather. Kero looks at her maths book saying he'll do it for her for *something* we all know. ^_~ Sakura agrees. Later, she is making a bird house and Tori comes along, with Julian. Makes a comment about it, and says he'll do it for five dinner duties. Sakura agrees. The telephone rings. It's Madison and shes asks whether she'd like to go the library to complete their homework. They meet at the bridge over to Penguin Park. As they walk through the library, they bump into Li. Li just glares at Sakura and walks away from her. Sakura and Madison do their homework in an empty room. Kero has come as well doing Sakura's maths. However, Sakura sees his answers are pretty much incorrect and ridiculous, much to her impatience. Sakura is looking for a book for her book report. She and Madison check at the desk and the librarian says the book has been taken out somewhere within the library. Sakura and Madison both look for the book now. Kero has seen Li and interrupts him with his research. After some tiny quarrel Kero flies off, and Li notices that the book he had next to him has disappeared. He get's suspicious. So now, Sakura, Madison and Sakura are all searching for the same book and it keeps disappearing. Li sees the book with some little boys who are making a fort of some sort. He rushes to get it, and in the process knocks it down, making the boy cry (now ain't that mean?). All three just can't seem to get the book. Suddenly, Li sees it flying off again, and makes a pretty impressive scene by jumping down from the library shelf to catch it. Li runs outside, followed by Sakura and Madison. The flying book disappears once again. Kero instantly knows it is the MOVE card. Madison suddenly remembers she forgot her video camera -_-' The book keeps popping up and vanishing and Li and Sakura's patience wears very thinly. Kero says to catch the MOVE card, Sakura must sense it from her mind not by sight. Sakura stands there, deeply in concentration. Suddenly she feels it and confines the card right there. Sakura is really happy she's caught it and realises she's by the edge of the bank and is about to lose balance when Li grabs her hand to pull her back, but they both land in the water. KAWAII! "That's why never study with girls." Oh well, Li, you don't know what you're getting into! ^^ Sakura is feeling very cold and sneezes. Madison looks worried but Li invites them to his house, which is the closest. Wei, the caretaker gives Madison and Sakura some beverage, and Sakura has a change of clothes. Wei tells Sakura that Li's father passed away and is taking care of Li as a favour to Li's mother. Sakura is pretty surprised. Li comes out with the book he's finished and hands it to Sakura. He looks stunned at the T-shirt Sakura's wearing. "Did you pick it out all by yourself?" Madison says. The door opens. "No's-" The other door opens, and a girl pops in. "It's ME!!!" "Meilins..." Li finishes off.

Card used-None

Card Captured-move

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