
Sakura and the huge stuffed doll

This episode starts off with Sakura working on her bear (making it for someone special) She cuts the last thread and its done.... The bear she made is finally done. She takes one good look at it and moans and cries (in a funny way) " Nooo ... it looks like Kero!" *Sigh* Sakura then takes out a pen and paper and starts to write to Miss Mizuki. Telling her of all the invents happening and how Li had been controlled by threads. (last chapter) Then someone walks by , Eriol ~~
He asks Sakura if anything was troubling her, she smiles and tells him nothing is wrong. Eriol asks if he make keep her company (NOTE: Eriol is very polite , as you can see) Sakura says "Sure," Eriol sits on the bench next to Sakura .
He sees the bear Sakura made and asks if he may see it. Sakura sweatdrops and hides the bear. She told him it wasn't finished (lie) .... Then she tells him it was poorly done .
Eriol says that he'll help her with it . Sakura then agrees to let him see it only if he does not laugh at it.
Eriol agrees and tell her not to worry cause he would never laugh at something she put so much effort into making.
Sakura blushed and thought that Eriol is indeed a very kind person. "Eriol looks at the bear and starts to crack up" ~~~~~ *I'm just playing* Eriol looked at the bear and tells Sakura that the ears are too big and that they should be smaller and higher in position. Eriol helps Sakura undo the threads and make the ear smaller. When all was done Sakura was very happy cause it didn't look like Kero anymore. Sakura told Eriol that she is very thankful to him for helping her . And that she would repay him by doing him a favor.
Eriol thought about the situation and said "Anything???". Sakura nods "Yes anything that I am capable of." Eriol then gets down to his knees and took Sakura's hand and kissed it . Sakura turns tomato red and steam started coming out of all corners of her head. Eriol tells Sakura that he is jealous of the person she is giving the bear to. Eriol smiles and walks away .
Change of Scene ~~~~~ Chiharu is giving Takashi a handmade bear too .... Takashi opens the bag and sees the bear.... Chiharu was about to tell him that naming the bear after the person you like, you would eventually fall in love with them. But then Takashi blurted out "I will call it Suama, cause i love suama" (suama a japanese candy) . Then Takashi starts to tell stories about suama saying that it taste best when it is made big and blah blah blah*. Chiharu sweatdrops and then a vein begin to pop out of head she then grabs Takashi and strangles him. Not too far away stood Li holding a blue package. He takes out a gray bear . And he wondered why he made such a thing. He looks at the bear and a sudden image of Sakura appeared. He shook head trying to get the image out. He then wondered why a image of her appeared. Yukito came by and tells Li that it was a very cute bear and if Li would like to join him for lunch. Sitting on the steps eating, Yukito asks if he may see the bear. Li showed it to him and Yukito tells him that he must be giving to someone special. When Li heard that another image of Sakura appeared . He turned really red and confused he ran away leaving Yukito behind with the bear.
Running and running Li stopped and looked up and there she was, Sakura. Li's heart started pounding and pounding not knowing why. Sakura turned around and said hi to Li. Of course again Li turned red and ran away, leaving the puzzled Sakura behind. Running~~~~ Suddenly Yue appeared holding in his hands was Li's bear. Yue tells Li that he has inherited Clow's blood therefore Li's affection toward Yukito was just the power of the moon that he sensed in him. And that if he calms down and listens to his heart he would know his true feelings.
Li very confused and was about to ask Yue what he meant. But too late Yue transformed back to Yukito. Yukito opens his eyes and wondered how he had got to this part of the park see's Li. Yukito smiles and returns the bear to Li , telling him that all the effort put into making the bear he should give it to the person. Li takes the bear and thinks.........
Sakura Tomoyo and Kero are outside Yukito's house ....
Since Tomoyo made Sakura promise to let her tape her giving the beard to Yukito.... Tomoyo said she would call the video "Sakura delivering handmade bear to Yukito" Sakura sweatdrops and asks why she has to wear a costume to go to Yukito's house ... Kero tells her that its a special occasion that's why.....
Tomoyo video tapes Sakura walking to the front door of Yukito's house.
Sakura pauses at the door and gulps a couple of times. (in the anime u can tell she is very nervous) Kero tells Sakura to hurry up and give it to him already, Sakura tells him that she's not ready yet. Then Kero flies over to the doorbell and gives it a *press* ......
Yukito opens the door seeing Sakura, she hands him a green package with a pink ribbon. Yukito opens it and smiles at the handmade bear, he tells Sakura that he would treasure it.
Suddenly Sakura felt Clow's Aura, at the moment she felt the aura the bear she made for Yukito started growing big.
Yukito transforms into Yue and saves Sakura from the bear (the bear was about to squash her). Yukito shoots out some crystals (ice ?? I'm not sure what they are they look like crystals). But the bear was shielded with some sort of magic force , Yue suddenly lost his powers his wings dissapeared and Yue holding Sakura falls. Kero then transforms into Keroberous and breaks there landing by being a cushion for them. Sakura seems very worried about Yue she asks him several times if he was ok. He tells her that he is fine.
Sakura looked relieved, at this sight Yue suddenly seems touched (if you watch the anime Yue is a very cold person and has a bad personality or something so when he looked touched it made me feel like he did care so I think this part is important) Probably because Yue never thought any one would care about him. Sakura gets up and walks toward the huge stuffed bear says the spell and releases her wand. She takes out "Jump" (still a Clow Card) and changes it into a Sakura Card. Sakura then used JUMP to jump away from the bear's punches.
Mean while Yue tells Keroberous that the bear is controlled by magic and that there is a part of the bear that has the strongest magic and if they find the spot and cut it off. the bear should return to its normal size. Sakura spots the strongest magic source in the bear it was the ear . She uses her sword card and tries to jump up to slice the bears ear but the Jump card couldn't get her high enough to reach the ear. Tomoyo tells Keroberous that Sakura needs to use the Fly card.... but then if she uses the Fly card than she wouldn't be able to use sword . (Since both cards need to be used by the wand.) Sakura then takes out the Fly card and whisper "Please let me fly without using the wand I still need to use sword."
She then throws the card up into the air and makes it a Sakura Card ( Fly was still a clow card ). Wings started sprouting from Sakura back (cute!!! She looks like a angel). Sakura called forth her sword card and flew into the air cutting off the bear's ear. Once the ear was cut off the bear started shrinking back into its proper size. Out of the ear fell a piece of paper.
Sakura looks at it and there was a design on it , it looked like the circle on the back of the original Clow Card (you know that circle with the moon and sun etc.)
Not too far away three figures stood in the shadows one said "Impressive, Sakura."

Card used-Sword , Fly
Card Changed-Jump, Fly

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