
Sakura, Syaoran and the invisible threads

The scene starts showing Sakura's house. Sakura woke up without the alarm clock going off, stretched and looked around her room. She looked at the Sakura cards on her table. Kero came out of his drawer sleepily and asked her why she woke up so early. She asked him about the weird things that had happened lately and whether they had anything to do with the new Sakura cards or even Clow Reed. Kero asked her not to be too bothered about the issue and not let the issue control Sakura. If not, Sakura might not have the attention and energy to deal with anything that might happen. Sakura agreed enthusiastically. Kero urged her to go to school early.
As Sakura skated to school happily, she arrived at the school to realize that the school gate it not even open yet. (So unlikely of her…) She said to herself that coming to school so early was no use, as the gate was not opened. Then, she heard cheering and screaming from far. Sakura remembered that her brother had a soccer practice that morning to get ready for a competition that day. She skated to her brother's school and watched from outside. Touya kicked the ball to Yukito, who kicked it back to Touya. Touya scored a goal. The girls cheered. Touya said that Yukito had a good pass. Suddenly, Naruku jumped on Touya. Touya called her Aikizuki (her surname… people usually called each other by surnames when they don't really know each other very well.) and asked her to get off him. He tried to shake her off. Sakura saw this and was quite shock.
In school, Tomoyo told Sakura that they had a new piano. Tomoyo mentioned that the previous piano was very old and she liked the new one. They were walking and talking. Sakura talked about the previous episode where the piano moved by itself, how it went after them and how they stopped it by changing the Song card and crashing the piano. Tomoyo asked Sakura if she knew the reason behind all these things. Sakura said that it most probably was related to Clow Reed but Clow Reed died many years ago. Thus, she had no answers. Sakura was smiling and talking. Tomoyo said that she loved to see Sakura smile.
From far, Naoko called Sakura and Tomoyo. Naoko, Chiharu and Rika were sitting on the grass as if they were having a picnic. The 2 girls ran towards them. They ate biscuits made by Rika. Everyone said that it tasted great. They said that Rika's bakery skills are fantastic. Rika smiled shyly. Rika then commented that Sakura had looked very tired for the past few days. Sakura looked at her. Rika then said that she might have been oversensitive. Sakura thanked her for being so caring. Rika then asked them to continue eating while she sews something. She took out a teddy bear that had no hands. (It is incomplete.) Everyone said that the teddy bear is very cute. Everyone said that Rika is so good with everything. Tomoyo then talked about the birthday of teddy bears. She said that teddy bear's birthday should be on the day when the sewing is completed. However, since most teddy bears are bought from shops now, their birthday would be the day you tie a ribbon around the teddy bear's neck and give it a name. Rika began to blush. Tomoyo continued to say that foreigners would sew their names on the teddy bear and give it to the one they loved. In such a way, they would be in love. Naoko asked Rika why she blushed. Rika try to deny the fact that she was blushing. On top of a nearby tree, Syaoran sat on one of the branches listening to the girls' conversation. He thought about what Tomoyo said about the teddy bears, He looked at Sakura and blushed. On the road below the tree, Eriol came along and said that the girls had a cute way of thinking. Syaoran looked down at him fiercely. Eriol asked him why he always pulled a long face whenever he sees him. He asked if he had offended Syaoran in any way. Syaoran said no without a change in expression. Eriol asked Syaoran if he was from Hong Kong. He then asked Syaoran to teach him things as he is new there. Then, Eriol repeated Syaoran's full name, "Li Shaoran". Syaoran turned into a daze with a blank expression on his face. He fell off the tree and landed in Eriol's arms. Syaoran regained conscious, shocked to find himself in Eriol's arms. He jumped off and apologized before running off. Eriol muttered that Syaoran is very interesting and he could perhaps be of some help.
When the last bell of the day rang, everyone packed up and left. Rika apologized to Sakura for being unable to go to the craft shop with her. Mr. Yoshiyuki took his things and asked them to go home early before leaving the classroom. Rika quickly say bye and ran off carrying a paper bag in her hands. Sakura asked Tomoyo if Rika had completed her teddy bear. Tomoyo replied that Rika had completed it. Just then, Takashi popped out, saying that bears were once swimmers. They used to swim in deep seas and the white collar around the neck was supposed to guide them around and blah blah. Sakura seemed to believe in Takashi. Suddenly, Chiharu appeared and dragged Takashi away. He continued to talk about the swimming bears as he was dragged away by Chiharu. Sakura then realized that Takashi had been talking nonsense. Tomoyo asked Sakura to leave for the craft shop. Eriol came and asked them if they were going to the craft shop and whether he could join them. The girls welcomed him. Syaoran ran up and said that he wanted to go too. In a distance, Chiharu was still dragging Takashi who kept talking about the bear. Everyone swear drop.
In the library, Rika gave Mr. Yoshiyuki the teddy bear she made. Mr. Yoshiyuki said that it was very well made. Rika shyly asked him to keep it and he accepted it. They continued to talk. On the streets, Sakura and Syaoran were walking together with Tomoyo and Eriol at the back. Tomoyo and Eriol were talking. Syaoran had this weird expression on his face. Sakura asked him if he was angry. Syaoran said no and looked at Eriol from the corner of his eyes. Sakura was a little frightened by Syaoran's expression. Syaoran then asked Sakura about that night when they battled the moving piano. He asked her to call him if anything happened and not fight it alone. He shyly said that he was worried about Sakura. (Aww…) Syaoran blushed. Sakura just nod, not sensing anything.
In the craft shop, Sakura looked for the box of materials to make the bear. Tomoyo asked her if she's buying the teddy bear for Yukito. Sakura said yes and asked Tomoyo if she's buying. Tomoyo said that it doesn't matter that the one she liked does not like her. She just wanted that person to be happy and as long that the person is happy, she will be too. She hoped that that person would always be happy. (I had this feeling she was referring to Sakura.) Sakura asked her if she didn't mind that the one she liked did not like her. Tomoyo said that it would be the best if the person she liked her too. However, she was convinced that she just wanted the person to be happy and blessed that person to be happy. Sakura replied that the person must be very happy. Tomoyo looked glad when she saw Sakura's smiling face. Eriol walked towards them after making his purchase. Sakura asked him what be had bought. He bought a lot of threads. Sakura asked him about buying so many threads. Eriol explained that there are other uses for threads. Syaoran carrying his purchase jumped in to say that threads could also be used during barbeque. (Syaoran's purchase here would play a part in the next episode.) Eriol added to say that threads could be used when barbequing steaks. Sakura praised Syaoran for knowing so much. Syaoran blushed again.
Back at home, Sakura tried to sew her bear. She said that it looked different. She complained that it looked like Kero. (The head of the bear really resembles Kero!) Suddenly, Sakura sensed something. It was as if Clow Reed had appeared.
The next scene showed them in front of a fountain. Tomoyo looked at Sakura, Syaoran and Kero through her video camera. Sakura was wearing a black and white battle costume. Kero complained that Syaoran was there. Sakura explained that she had promised Syaoran that she would call him whenever something came up. Syaoran blushed. Kero said plainly that Syaoran might be of some help. Syaoran was angry with him for saying that. Suddenly, he paused in his actions. He can't seem to control his actions. He struggled as his hand moved unwillingly towards his sword at the back. Sakura could not understand what was happening. Syaoran raised his sword and charged at Sakura. Sakura managed to jump away at the nick of time. Her clothes were slightly cut. Syaoran said that he could not control his actions. Something was controlling him. He tried to prevent himself from attacking Sakura using his left hand to hold his right that held the sword. Sakura closed her eyes and felt Clow Reed's aura. She thought of Clow Reed being dead many years ago. Syaoran rushed towards Sakura again. Tomoyo tried to stop Syaoran by pushing him away. She dropped her video camera in the process. Syaoran tried to control himself again and asked Sakura to get away from him. Sakura said that she could not leave him in the lurch. Kero said that someone must have been controlling Syaoran. They just need to find that person and everything would be over. Sakura looked around hopelessly and said that there was nothing there. Syaoran struggled and used his water incantation. Once the incantation was used, many threads holding on Syaoran could be seen. Kero asked Sakura to cut the threads. Sakura released her staff and changed the Sword card. She cut the threads and Syaoran sort of collapsed on the ground. Sakura bend down to ask him how he was. Syaoran said that he was fine then Sakura fainted and fell asleep in Syaoran's arms. Kero felt Clow Reed's aura. Next scene showed Eriol sitting in the center of the clow magic circle formation. I think it was suppose to be a carpet. (The formation is the one on the back of the Clow cards and the one that would appear below Sakura before she changed her staff during the final judgment.) Eriol was sitting in the center of the sun. There were some threads glowing on his hand. He said to himself, telling Sakura that threads could also be used that way. Spinel Sun on the sofa nearby looked up from his book and asked him if his magic had been broken. Eriol said yes. Spinel Sun commented that the new cardmistress must be very good. Eriol asked him if the book was interesting. Spinel Sun said it was and Eriol left behind that book in the past. On the other side, Naruku came home. She asked Eriol why he chose to return seriously. (Definitely not that crazy attitude she gave Touya.) Eriol asked her if she had found it boring. Naruku said no especially with so much things in school. Spinel Sun said that she is surprise that Naruku who is so impatient could take it so slow. (I think Spinel Sun is referring to Naruku absorbing Touya's magic.) Naruku said that she could not help it as there is someone else around. (Yukito...??) Moreover, by doing it slowly, she could enjoy it slowly. Naruku took off her school jacket. Spinel Sun then asked her if she should be changing into a guy's uniform. Naruku spin one round on the spot and said that she found the girls' uniform cuter. After all, she is not human so sex does not matter to her at all. Eriol took out a necklace and released it into a staff. At the same time, Naruku and Spinel Sun who had stepped into the magic formation changed into their real form. Spinel Sun said that Eriol who was their creator was Clow Reed in the past life. Ruby Moon (Naruku's real form) asked him his motive for being there. Eriol said that something fun would be happening soon. The scene ended with the three of them.

Card used-sword
Card Changed-Sword

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