
Sakura and the Dangerous Piano

"Are you ok? " asked Sakura's dad.
Sakura was lying in bed very exhausted from the previous night, when she made her first Sakura card "firey".
Sakura went to sleep and Touya and her dad left so Sakura may sleep.
Out side Sakura's bedroom Touya tells Fujitaka (Sakura's dad) that he'll skip club and come home early to see if Sakura is ok , Fujitaka says he would come home early too.
At school Chiharu, Naoko and Rita were wondering why Sakura was absent and was hoping that Sakura was ok. Tomoyo and Li were working at the same table in cooking class. Tomoyo asked Li if he would like to visit Sakura after school. Li says " WHY ME?!?!?!" , Tomoyo then tells him that Sakura would be very happy if he'd visit her.
(blushing) Li nods yes as a reply.
Then across the room they hear Takashi say "You'rr good at this, Hiiragizawa (Eriol) " Eriol was making cupcakes , Eriol tells Naoko, Chiharu and Rita that he was use to making things like this. Naoko asks Eriol how many people he has in his family Eriol says two. Then mysteriously he says "No , three people".
At High school , Touya looked out the window and wondered how Sakura is doing. ( Aww... how caring)
"Sorry to keep you waiting," Yukito said while holding a big big bag of food.
"The store was crowded." Hearing this Touya sweatdrops at the sight of the big bag of food.
"Aren't you eating more than usual?" Touya asked.
"I'm just more hungry than usual" Yukito replied.
(That part doesn't seem much important but it is because the reason Yukito is eating so much is because he is tired and needs the energy to transform to his true self "Yue" ... Yue has the power of the moon and cannot support himself he must rely on some one with magic, unlike Kero who has the power of the sun and can support himself).
Touya was about to say something important to Yukito but than was interrupted by loud cheering outside. They look out the window and sees Nakuru (Ruby Moon) challenging the basket ball team. Amazingly, she is very good. She shoots and she scores!!! Yukito says she's very good. Touya tells Yukito that Nakuru is just like him. Yukito then says "By not joining school clubs?" ( Yukito and Nakuru are both good in sports but never joins the club) Touya then says "Not only that," (because Yukito is the false form of Yue but he is not aware of it , Touya has this special sense and could tell that Nakuru is Ruby Moon. Touya knows that Yukito and Nakuru are not human beings.)
At Sakura's house, Sakura wakes up feeling really rested she looks at the clock in shock cause it was 3 o'clock.
The door bell rings. She looks out the window and sees Tomoyo accompanied by Li. Li for some reason seeing Sakura turns tomato red. Inside Sakura's room they discuss how the key only transforms into a wand when a new spell is said, and the card would only work when after she changes them from "Clow Card" into "Sakura Card".
Then Kero explains to Li that Sakura gets tired after changing the card because when Sakura changes the Clow Card into a Sakura Card she is using her own magic. When the cards were clow cards they feed magic off the person who creates them who was Clow Reed. But since her wand has transformed she can no longer use Clow Cards but has to transform them into Sakura Cards. So now the Clow Cards that has been transformed into Sakura Cards feed off her magic.
Next day at school ~ Sakura writes a letter to Ms. Mizuki (Kaho) telling her the strange events happening and how she has to transform Clow Cards into Sakura Cards. Then she hears some one playing a soft melody on the piano. Sakura walks over to the music room and peers inside seeing Eriol playing the piano. Then Tomoyo walks by and complements Eriol on how well he plays the piano. Sakura asks if Tomoyo would sing while Eriol played the piano. Tomoyo agrees and starts to sing.... While she was singing Eriol seems to do something to the piano the piano glowed red without Sakura or Tomoyo noticing.
After school Sakura and Li were packing their books into their backpacks.
Li asks Sakura if she was leaving yet. Sakura tells him that she was gonna wait for Tomoyo to finish practicing her solo for the competition.
Sakura and Li walked down the hall and then they hear Tomoyo singing Then suddenly * Crash!!! * followed by a scream.
Li and Sakura ran to the music room to see a mess and the piano thrown across the room.
Tomoyo tells Sakura that the piano just started moving. Then Sakura felt Clow Reed's Aura.
They ran out of the room followed by the piano. Li takes his sword out and use his incantation paper and called forth lightning. The piano fell and stopped for a brief moment , but sprang up and started chasing them again.
They ran up the stairs and Sakura came up with a plan she asks Tomoyo to help her .
On the roof top Tomoyo was singing her song and Sakura and Li were guarding her .
They heard the piano coming Sakura took out her key she said her new spell.
O key which hides the power of the stars
Reveal thy true form before me
I , Sakura command thee under contract
Then Sakura takes out the Song Card that was still a Clow Card she threw the card up and said:
O card created by Clow
Discard thine old form and be reborn
Under the name of Sakura thy new mistress
SONG !!!
The song card started singing like Tomoyo trying to trick the piano .
The piano heard the voice and tried to attack the voice which was the song card.
The song card stood on the edge of the building when the piano came it fell off the piano and crashed into little pieces as it fell to the ground. Then Sakura fell asleep , falling into Li's arms.
Not far away , stood three figures watching.
The figure in the middle smiles and says "Things seem to be getting interesting".

Card used-Song
Card Changed-Song

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